Our mission

We are dedicated to raising awareness for nature conservation and animal welfare in China. We achieve this goal by promoting interdisciplinary discussions on human-animal-environment relationships, and empowering and supporting the next-generation conservation leaders. 

Panel 1

Chinese Conservationists and Animal Advocates Tell Their Own Stories

We interview Chinese conservationists and animal advocates who are working at the frontier of conservation science and animal welfare. They are scientists, NGO workers, film producers, vegan influencers, and more. We aim to collect 100 stories in 5 years (currently 40+) to cover the remarkable achievements of these individuals that are changing how we treat animals and the environment, as well as the unique challenges they face. Through story-telling, we hope to show you the progress China is making towards a harmonious and humane future with nature and animals.


ellen(reshaped)“China has a high speed of development. Development’s threat to the environment and the ecosystem, as well as man-made disturbance, is occurring everywhere at all times…I hope to someday see a film that is produced by China, centers more around China’s biodiversity, and can more accurately reflect our geography and the relationship between humans and other species. ” Qianqian Xu, Assistant Producer of BBC documentary Earth: An Amazing Day

Read her story: I hope that we can one day see the Chinese people tell their own story


Binbin(reshaped)“There are many ways of evaluating beauty. You can still be an enviable woman without always trying to keep up with others’ standards. What’s most important is not to become the most highly praised, but to find where your interests and dreams truly lie and become an interesting person. ” Binbin Li, Assistant Professor at Duke Kunshan University.

Read her story: Nothing Is “Unsuitable” for A Girl To Do


简艺(reshaped)“People in the modern society like to use the terminology ‘win-win’. However, most people only use this to indicate a win-win interaction between humans, taking into consideration solely the costs to us, but not to nature and other beings. Wild animals have to sacrifice their habitats, and nature the environment…In the end, some party will have to suffer from the loss. Is this really a win-win? The only winning party is mankind.” Jian Yi, Independent Film Producer, Director of What’s for dinner

Read his story: Conversation with the director of What’s for dinner?: Be the change you want to see


roxie(reshaped)“Wild animals, companion animals, entertainment animals, farm animals, and experimental animals are all animals. The nature of animal protection is for humans to avoid unnecessary exploitation of and violence towards them. Veganism is a non-violent diet that minimizes the amount of human-caused suffering and pain for animals.” Roxie Xie, New York Fashion Blogger

Read her story: Why I choose a cruelty-free lifestyle


Read all the interviews here

Panel 2 Placeholder
Panel 3 Placeholder
Panel 4 Placeholder